
Group's Businesses

A large enterprise group mainly engaged in the production and sale of petroleum products, new energy and investment, asset management and property leasing.

Business profile

  • Traditional Operation of Non-performing Assets

    On the one hand, the Company leverages on the characteristics of its flexible and efficient operation mode and incentive mechanism to build a professional team that operates non-performing assets, and expands the traditional acquisition and disposal of financial non-performing assets. On the other hand, it strengthens the business interaction with the four largest state-owned and the two largest local asset management companies to form strategic partnership, secure supply of assets, lower the cost of acquiring portfolios, increase asset reserves and enhance asset value.

  • Revitalization of Non-performing Projects

    Many real estate projects were left unfinished due to stringent national real estate policies. Taking the opportunity for the management of existing non-performing creditor’s right assets of real estate, the Company set up a Special Asset Investment Fund, which acquires and reorganizes the real estate projects in dilemma but with potential value by utilizing its professional advantages in asset management and its professional capability for operating real estate projects to ultimately achieve withdrawal and obtain targeted earnings.

  • Reorganization of Difficult Enterprises

    For the enterprises that find themselves in temporary dilemma, the Company provides debt reorganization service in a selective manner, such as providing bailout funds, leading their bankruptcy reorganization and offering financial advisory services to help them enhance their capability for management and profitability, in order to assist them in weathering through the dilemma and finally withdraw through equity transfer or debt repayment.

  • Financial Adviser

    The Company fully leverages on its advantages in brand and customer resources and provides financial advisory service for licensed asset companies, private institutions and individuals through financial advice, entrusted management and disposal.

Asset Marketing  

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About Silver Grant
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Group's Businesses
New Energy And Investment
Asset Management
Property Leasing
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Notices-Replacement Of Lost Share Certificate
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